Unlocking South Nagoya’s hidden gem: Local’s Take on the Miharashidai Archaeological Museum

Welcome to “Oh yeah, I know that feeling” – a series where we explore relatable experiences and moments that make us say, “I have a similar experience!” Today, we take a trip to Nagoya’s southern district and uncover a hidden gem that most locals have yet to discover! At the Nagoya City Miharashidai Archaeological Museum in Minami-ku Nagoya City, there has been a “tateana-style dwelling” on display since 1979. It is definitely a valid question to wonder why such a dwelling was built in this location. Today, we would like to take a hyper-local perspective and explore the “tateana-style dwelling” that is likely unknown to anyone but locals from a local resident’s viewpoint.




When we were young, everyone must have thought at least once “I want to go inside a pit-dwelling!”

Interior of the Miharashidai Archaeological Museum.
Of course, who wouldn’t want to go inside one! Please let us in! Haha Children would definitely want to go inside for sure!



That’s why most people have climbed over the fence at least once!

Completely agree right?  Without telling their parents, of course.




Hang on. Why only a couple? Children must have lived here too!

I even feel like they were probably inside the house!




Who would have thought that a tateana-style dwelling would be here? It’s like a punchline to a joke!

No one would expect to find a tateana-style dwelling here! They should at least put up a sign or something.




I used to play here thinking it was also a ruin from the same era.

Back then, there was no fence, so we used to climb and play around here a lot.

And then it turned out that this ruin was actually from the Pacific War era!

It just appears out of nowhere without any context, lol.




I’ve hardly ever seen anyone in charge around here.

A scene that hasn’t changed since my childhood!




By the way, there are surprisingly several famous spots around here.

Kasadera Kannon is located nearby.




However, most people who are not residents of Minami-ku are not aware of the Miharashidai Archaeological Museum and the pit house!

It’s too low-key!





Let’s promote it more! Many Nagoya residents still don’t know about this tateana-style dwelling, which is an undiscovered gem!

It’s such a unique place, yet so unknown to many people in Nagoya! Keep up the good work, Minami-ku’s ultra-deep spot!




While you may not have experienced exactly the same thing as me, you may have a similar place or memory from your own local area that resonates with this story!



Nagoya City Miharashidai Archaeology Museum (名古屋市見晴台考古資料館)

47 Miharashicho, Minami-ku, Nagoya




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