Cruise Nagoya: Navigate Nakagawa Canal and Unlock Nagoya’s Hidden Charms!

Ever heard of “Cruise Nagoya“? It’s a little something that most Nagoya folks have probably heard of but know very little about. Picture this: cruising through the “Great Canal of the East,” also known as the Nakagawa Canal. It used to be a bustling waterway, much like the famous Panama Canal, but now you can experience a mini-version of it! Hop on board and enjoy the scenic views of Nagoya Port and more!

So, me hearty, I embarked on this hyper-local cruising adventure called “Cruise Nagoya” to see what it’s all about. Get ready to set sail and discover the hidden gems of Nagoya in style!




Cruise Nagoya! Such hidden gems we’ve got in Nagoya!

Nagoya cruise
The breeze feel fantastic! Cruise Nagoya starts from Sasashima Live station!



It’s like having a slice of Tokyo’s bustling cityscape right here in Nagoya. The vibe is so cosmopolitan and open, it’ll make you do a double take. Who knew Nagoya had such a refined side? The locals here are absolutely buzzing with excitement!



Nagoya cruise 2
high-rise buildings of Nagoya Station can be seen.


Get a glimpse of the unseen scenery of Nagoya!

The warehouse of Okaya steel.
Responding to the local community’s request, the exterior of the warehouse has been faithfully reproduced to reflect its original appearance from its completion in 1934.


Fukuyama Reizo's Graffiti along the Nakagawa canal.
Fukuyama Reizo’s Graffiti!



The wall mural at sincol's Nagoya headquarters.
The wall mural at sincol’s Nagoya headquarters is striking with its vibrant blue color.



As we sail through lesser-known streets, a hyper-local world emerges, hidden from the usual car routes. Locals cheerfully wave from bridges and shores, adding a heartwarming touch to our journey. Along the canal, factories and warehouses adorned with colorful art create a captivating spectacle! Nagoya’s overlooked cityscape gradually reveals itself, offering a delightful surprise at every turn.

Embarking on a cruise, you can feel the rich history of Nagoya.

Nakagawa-guchi Watergate.
Experience a mini-version of the Panama Canal with the “Nakagawa-guchi Watergate”



The paintwork indicating the water level.
The cool paintwork indicating the water level adds a stylish touch.



Who would have thought such a “Panama Canal-like” experience could be had here? The water level changes, gates open with a resounding sound, and everyone, adults and children alike, exclaim with excitement while clicking their cameras. It’s like stepping back in time when Nagoya’s bustling trade and commerce relied on such marvels.



It’s a tantalizing adventure that stirs your sense of curiosity. As the gates swing open, we embark on our journey towards the magnificent Nagoya Port! The sight of Nakagawa bridge a historical vibrant red arched and the Ferris wheel comes into view, and gradually, the vibrant harbor of Nagoya unfolds before us!



A captain steering the ship during the Nagoya cruise adventure.
A captain steering the ship during the Nagoya cruise adventure.



A gathering of sea birds fills the sky.
A gathering of sea birds fills the sky.



The Nakagawa Bridge, a historically significant modern civil engineering structure.
While the Nakagawa Bridge is a historically significant modern civil engineering structure, most Nagoya residents are largely unaware of its existence.



The Ferris wheel of Nagoya Port Sea Train Land.
The Ferris wheel of Nagoya Port Sea Train Land comes into view.



Meikou bridge can be seen.


Behold Nagoya! Meiko Triton Bridges and the industrial waterfront!

Meiko Triton Bridges and the industrial waterfront at the back.
Meiko Triton Bridges and the industrial waterfront!



Approaching the Meikou Triton bridge, and behold, across the shore lie steel mills and factories. It’s the epitome of Nagoya, the industrial city, and the pride of Japan’s largest industrial region, the Chukyo Industrial Zone!



Nagoya is often considered a charmless city, but this view right here is what Nagoya should flaunt! I wonder how many Nagoya locals, being Nagoya natives themselves, truly appreciate this stunning sight? Do they even know about it?



The Meiko Triton Bridges, spanning from west to east, exhibit a trio of colors: red, white, and blue. This specific bridge is the white one.


Looked up at the Meikou Triton Bridge from below.
Looked up at the Meikou Triton Bridge from below. It’s an awe-inspiring view!



A majestic view of Meikou bridge from the bottom.
It’s as imposing as a gigantic UFO!



Nagoya's famous industrial waterfront.
Nagoya’s famous industrial waterfront.



This “Cruise Nagoya” is the ultimate adventure to discover the unknown Nagoya, the unseen Nagoya, and the forgotten Nagoya, appreciating its true charm once again!






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