Curiosity Found: A Quirky Bus Stop Chair in Nagoya

Have you ever stumbled upon a random dining chair left behind at a bus stop in Nagoya? Well, we did! Specifically, at the Taniguchi (No. 5) bus stop on the Oomori Garage – Ikeshita route. It’s a quirky, hyper-local scene that feels like a secret shared only by those in the know. Intrigued by the chair’s lone presence, we decided to put its comfort level to the test. We invited local friend Sasada-san to take a seat and provide his expert opinions. The verdict? Let’s just say it’s not a chair you’ll want to sit in for an extended period of time! But hey, it’s still a curious addition to the Nagoya urban landscape, and who knows, maybe it’ll inspire more impromptu furniture installations at bus stops in the future.



*Please note that the opinions expressed in this article are solely our own!




There’s a chair in such a place!

It’s just an ordinary bus stop tucked away in a residential area.



I was at the Sugi Pharmacy near the Taniguchi (No.5) bus stop the other day and spotted a random dining chair. I did a double-take and thought to myself, “What’s a chair doing here of all places?




The ambiance feels welcoming, as if inviting you to take a seat.


What a surreal sight! I mean, it looks like someone left the chair there out of kindness, but it’s placed in front of a trash bin, so for a split second, I thought someone tossed it away, lol.



Is someone going to take a seat!?



So, we went back to the Taniguchi (No.5) bus stop a few days later to check on the chair. And you know what? It was still there, chillin’ like a villain! But weirdly enough, no one was sitting on it. It’s like the passengers are giving it a subtle side-eye and keeping their distance from it or something.





We decided to take a seat on it right away, but man, the chair was in rough shape! The seat was half caved in, and it looked like it had been through a lot of rain and wind without any shelter. Needless to say, it didn’t feel comfortable at all.


It looks great!



So, we sat there waiting for the bus, and surprisingly, we blended in with the surroundings without any fuss. It felt like the chair and we were meant to be together, lol.




Aren’t the chairs too close to the bus for comfort!?



Finally, the bus arrived! But, we couldn’t help but worry about my friend’s position. We felt like his legs were in the way and might get hit by the bus.




It turned out to be okay, despite initial concerns!



The distance was just right! I have to admit, the positioning of the chair was spot on. It didn’t obstruct the bus or get in the way of anyone getting on or off.




Does it appear like he sits in an awkward position when viewed from the side!?



After our investigation, we concluded that it was nice to have a chair available at the bus stop, but the comfort level was mediocre at best. Standing seemed to be more comfortable. I feel bad for whoever left the chair there, but it’s probably time to replace it. Still, I want to express my gratitude for this subtle act of kindness that represents our community.




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