Nittaiji Temple’s Thai Festival 2023: A Harmonious Fusion of Cultures in Kakuouzan, Nagoya

Imagine October – a time when the weather begins to turn cooler, and the hint of a pleasant autumn is in the air. It’s during this season that Kakuozan’s Nittaiji Temple hosts a Thai Festival. Nittaiji Temple is well-known for its ‘Houbou-san Day‘ on the 21st of every month, where various cultural festivals come to life, bringing vitality to the area.



*Please note that the opinions expressed in this article are solely our own!



Why a Thai Festival at Nittaiji Temple?


Nittaiji Temple's Thai Festival 2023 in Kakuouzan, Nagoya


Why host a Thai festival at Nittaiji temple, you might wonder?


Well, nestled in the serene hills of Kakuozan, Nittaiji temple is home to a golden Buddha, a royal gift from the King of Thailand, symbolizing Japan-Thailand friendship. This unique connection brings an array of experiences at Nittaiji temple – ‘food booths’ offer a taste of authentic Thai cuisine, Thai goods and clothing. It’s like a street food extravaganza, all neatly organized.



Visitors sitting down and relaxing, enjoying the serene atmosphere at the Thai Festival in Nittai-ji, Nagoya.



The Fusion of Japanese Temple and Thai Culture


Nittaiji Temple's Thai Festival 2023 in Kakuouzan, Nagoya


Though the skies may be overcast, it’s oddly welcoming, considering Japan’s recent scorching weather. The atmosphere is just right – not too crowded, and there’s no exhausting hustle and bustle. This isn’t your typical bustling festival. It’s more like a serene gathering in the peaceful ambiance of Nittaiji temple. What’s captivating is the fusion of traditional Japanese temple structures with the flag of Thailand, Thai-inspired design and cuisine stalls. It creates a unique ‘Asian fusion’ atmosphere that’s as intriguing as the cloudy sky.


A ld couple sitting down and relaxing, enjoying the serene atmosphere at the Thai Festival in Nittai-ji, Nagoya.



Visitors sitting down and relaxing, enjoying the serene atmosphere at the Thai Festival in Nittai-ji, Nagoya.







Visitors sitting down and relaxing, enjoying the serene atmosphere at the Thai Festival in Nittai-ji, Nagoya.



Local residents, from young to old, along with visitors from far and wide, and families gather to enjoy the harmony of multicultural experiences. Nittaiji temple, a ‘non-denominational temple for all Buddhists in Japan,’ offers a welcoming space where cultures harmonize effortlessly. 



 Kakuozan Nittaiji Temple (日泰寺)

 1 -1  Hoocho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya




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