Hidden Gem in Nagoya: Streetphoto Views from Kogane Overpass and Kouya Bridge

Discover the hidden gem in Nagoya known as the ‘Hidden Charm of Nagoya Views’ at Kogane Overpass – gracefully spanning highways, JR freight lines, and the whimsical Aonami Line! An enchanting hidden gem in Nagoya for train enthusiasts, offering the perfect backdrop of Nagoya Station and skyscrapers.




A scenic glimpse of Nagoya’s industrial prowess


Hidden gems in Nagoya: Hidden charm of view Kintetsu train gracefully passing through Nagoya's cityscape with skyscrapers in the background.
Kintetsu train passing through Nagoya’s cityscape with skyscrapers in the background.






In the intricate dance of Nagoya’s expressways and bustling railways, behold the cityscape! With Nagoya Station’s skyscrapers as a backdrop, it’s a view that’ll make you go ‘Wow, Wow, Nagoya!’ It’s such a hidden gem!



Pedestrians crossing the overpass at Kouya Bridge, a hidden gem in Nagoya, with a view of the cityscape.
Pedestrians crossing Kouya Bridge.



For an offbeat gem, visit ‘Kouya Bridge,’ a local’s secret hangout with its own train spectacle. Capture Nagoya’s skyline at Kouya Bridge for a unique perspective.




Senior cyclist crossing Kouya Bridge.



An elderly lady strolling across the bridge, with the towering structures of Nagoya Station in the background.
An elderly lady strolling across the bridge.



Fun fact: Imported from the U.S. in 1899, this bridge settled in Nagoya in 1930, earning a civil engineering heritage award in 2016! Explore these vintage structures for a scenic glimpse of Nagoya’s industrial prowess.








A train carrying petroleum tanks is running.



An area with numerous apartment complexes. A glimpse from the bridge offers a quick view.



Next time you’re in Nagoya, head to Kogane Overpass or Kouya Bridge and unveil the star-studded allure of our hidden gems!





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