Nagoya Street Photography: Exploring Fushimi Underground Shopping Street Hidden Charms of Nagoya

Women strolling through Fushimi Underground Shopping Street in Nagoya.

Established in 1957, Fushimi Underground Shopping Street in Nagoya is a charming and historically rich underground passage, often referred to as Chojyumachii Underground Street. Come nighttime, it transforms into a bustling drinking haven, filled with hardworking salarymen. This 240-meter-long corridor boasts around 40 shops and is situated in what’s known as Nagoya’s hidden gem, Fushimi Underground Shopping Street. Join us as we explore this hidden treasure on a weekday afternoon!



*Please note that the opinions expressed in this article are solely our own!



A Hidden Gem Known and Unknown to Nagoyans


Fushimi Underground Shopping Street in Nagoya is a charming and historically rich underground passage, often referred to as Chojyumachii Underground Street.



Fushimi Underground Shopping Street, also home to the famous Handsome Burger, has its fair share of izakayas, vintage coffee shops, and more. But here’s the kicker – it’s not your typical underground mall with easy access to nearby commercial spots.



Fushimi Underground Shopping Street, also home to the famous Handsome Burger.









In reality, it’s a 240-meter stretch extending eastward along Nishiki-dori, not directly connected to other stations or major shopping areas. That’s why, surprisingly, even the locals tend to pass by without a second thought unless it’s part of their daily commute or workplace route.



Embracing the Quirky Rhythms of Daily Life in the Underground








This underground shopping street isn’t just old; it’s a quirky mix of old and new. You’ll find trendy, hip izakayas,  shops run by young entrepreneurs, creating a lively atmosphere and a sense of community. It’s like a collision of the past and the present.


As you stroll through the mall, you’ll notice background music playing – today it’s The Beatles, but who knows what’s in store for tomorrow? The music adds an extra layer of charm to the already unique ambiance. There’s something special about the flow of people, the scents, the fluorescent lights, and the little moments that make this place feel like a world of its own.











You’ll see the elderly gentleman responsible for keeping the place clean, the salaryman in a hurry to avoid missing his subway, someone taking a pause to enjoy a cup of coffee, and various life stories intersecting. It’s the kind of laid-back afternoon where time flows in an oddly soothing way.




Fushimi Underground Shopping Street (伏見地下街)

2-13-24 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya





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