Discovering the Quirky Charm of Nagoy’s Hidden Gem Playground in Osu

Nestled in the heart of Nagoya’s bustling Osu shopping district lies a hidden gem – Uramonzen Park. Despite its compact size, this park attracts a diverse crowd, from trendy young adults to busy salarymen and weekend families. The mix of different lifestyles creates a unique and dope atmosphere that sets it apart from other parks.



*Please note that the opinions expressed in this article are solely our own!



Not saying you MUST go, but know these hidden gems in Osu!

Mt Fuji at Uramonzen Park in Nagoya
Mt Fuji at Uramonzen Park.



But what really steals the show is the wacky pirate-themed swing set that’s practically begging to be photographed. With arms stretching out to each side, there are two regular swings and two bucket seats for the little ones. The peeling paint and strange design give off a vintage vibe that makes it a true Osu specialty. Just don’t get your hopes up too high – there’s a good chance you’ll be underwhelmed once you see it in person!



Mt Fuji at Uramonzen Park.
It’s akin to a diverse tapestry of people from all walks of life.



Mt Fuji at Uramonzen Park.



And let’s not forget the classic Fuji slide, a beloved fixture in Nagoya parks. Whether it’s kids having a blast, couples canoodling at the summit, or salarymen blowing off steam, this slide has seen it all. Plus, the strategically placed benches around the park make it easy to keep an eye on your little ones while taking a breather or people-watching.



Overall, the Uramonzen Park is a unique and charming destination in Nagoya’s bustling Osu district. So, swing by and experience the quirky charm for yourself!



Uramonzen Park  (裏門前公園)

3 -3 Osu, Naka-ku, Nagoya




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