Tsukijiguchi Shotengai in Minato-ku, Nagoya, is a nostalgic shopping street, often overlooked by visitors, but it holds the essence of Nagoya hidden gems. Located just one stop before Nagoya Port Station, where many head to the Nagoya Port Aquarium, this quaint street offers a serene flow of time, cherished by its elderly residents. While the bustling energy of the past may have faded, Tsukijiguchi Shotengai is gradually flourishing, now with an emphasis on art. Join us today to catch a glimpse of everyday life in this charming coastal shopping street in the port town.
The streets may be quiet, lacking vibrancy, yet a nostalgic scent of the shopping district lingers.
The signs of town revitalization and community development have begun to surface, signaling the beginning of a journey towards a lively and thriving neighborhood.
In Tsukijiguchi Shotengai, time seems to slow down, inviting you to savor the hidden beauty of Nagoya’s coastal shopping street.