Uncovering Hyperlocal Nagoya’s Baseball Gear Store “Meisei Sports”

So, there’s this sports equipment store called “Meisei Sports” located in Nishi-ku, Nagoya. They specialize in baseball gear and have been supporting local young baseball players in the area for a long time. In this edition of “My Hyper-local Memory”, we want to take a trip down memory lane with former baseball player Mr. Daiya Tajima, who has been a regular customer of “Meisei Sports” for about 20 years, and talk about the memory and importance of this beloved sports store that he wants to pass down.


*Please note that the opinions expressed in this article are solely our own!



An essential part of my baseball journey.



– Hello! Today we’re going to talk about “Meisei Sports,” the place that supported your baseball career. Thank you for joining us.

Thank you. It’s an essential part of my baseball life from junior high school to adult league.



– What made you start going to “Mesei Sports”? You lived in Chikusa ward at that time, right?

The advisor of my junior high school baseball team had been using “Meinishi Sports” for a long time. That was how I started going there.



– I see! But it’s impressive that you made the effort to go all the way from Chikusa ward.

“Meisei Sports” is a specialty store that has been focused on baseball for many years, so they have a wide range of products and they treat each individual’s baseball needs very carefully. Especially the former owner, who provided incredible support and assistance. He passed away a few years ago, but I still rely on his wife and son.



Meiseii Sports” is a place where you can come back without hesitation, like your own home.


– I see. It’s a deep attachment.

They walk with me while watching my growth process, so the trust relationship deepens, and we can talk about the feel and sensation of things!



– That’s huge!

So I’ve been asking for “yubimomi” (a glove molding process) since olden times. They rub the glove with hot water to shape it and make it as soft as I want. That way, it’s ready to use right away!



– What? “Yubimomi”?

I guess it’s not a well-known term haha. It means molding the glove with hot water to make it soft and ready to use.



– It’s the proof of trust that you can entrust even the delicate parts.


A partner who shares the same baseball and life perspectives.


– What do you do first when you come to the store?

When I go to the store, the first thing we do is go to a coffee shop across the street and talk about baseball. We had a lot of discussions about the baseball industry in our area.



– It’s passionate!

We also talk about our baseball philosophy and life views. That’s how deep our connection is. Then I go back to the store and try on gloves first. Recently, there are many fashionable colors, so I try on as many gloves as I want to feel the texture. “Meinishi Sports” has a wide variety, so it’s incredibly enjoyable.



Daiya-san puts on the glove multiple times to confirm the sensation. ‘Meiseii Sports’ is the best playground for Daiya!


– It’s like a music lover who frequents a record store! Haha. 

Exactly! Then I go to the bat corner. After selecting a favorite bat, I go out of the store’s back door and go to the parking lot to swing and feel the bat.



prefers a bat with a large grip. Choosing a bat is a blissful time for him when he can’t stop smiling.



Leaving through the backdoor and doing some swings in the parking lot is his routine every time. If he finds a bat he likes, he decides to purchase it on the spot.


– Impressive!

It’s truly amazing! They listen to all my requests. Also, I customize my gloves at “Meisei Sports.”



– You create your original glove that suits your hands, right?

Yes, that’s right. It’s hard to find a partner who can share such a sensory aspect to this extent!



– So you’re the Daisuke Tajima model, huh?

Yes, that’s right! Even my wife and son’s names are embroidered on it.



Daiya-san had an intensive discussion about original gloves for hours on this table.


– Has your family been to ‘Meisei Sports’ as well?

Of course! My wife and I came here even before we got married. Bringing someone here is a sign that you’re serious about the relationship. That’s how special this place is.



– It’s like introducing your family to someone important. It can make you nervous, right?

We even received congratulatory messages when we got married, and of course, we came to report the birth of our child!



– If your child plays baseball, then a new story with ‘Meisei Sports’ will begin again!

I definitely want my child to play baseball! Then, of course, we’ll be using ‘Meiseii Sports’ for two generations!




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