Higashiyama Water Tower in Nagoya: The Quirky Landmark with Serious Spy Vibes!

Hey there, folks! Today, we’re going to chat about the iconic “Higashiyama Water Tower” located near Nittaiji Temple in Nagoya. This beauty is not just any old building – it’s been designated as an important urban landscape landmark by the city. Our Nagoyan pal, Nakajima-san, is so obsessed with this peculiar-looking tower that he can’t stop talking about it! So, let’s hear him out as he shares his thoughts about this remarkable local landmark, from a totally personal and hometown perspective. Get ready for some serious tower love!


*Please note that the opinions expressed in this article are solely our own!



It’s like a watchtower that’s been keeping an eye on us for ages, you know, like a surveillance tower!




– Hey, Nakajima-san! Good to have you here again to talk about the Higashiyama Water Tower. What’s your favorite thing about this tower?

I love how the tower looks like it’s straight out of a horror movie. The vines wrapped around it and its antique appearance make it a landmark in the local area that’s called the Moomin House or Rapunzel’s Tower.


–That’s pretty cool! Do you have a favorite spot to view the tower from?

Yeah! There’s this one-way street on the west side of the tower that only locals know about. As you follow the street, the tower suddenly appears before you, and it’s a bit spooky. I love it!



This tower pops up from various living areas, almost like it’s saying “hello” to everyone!



Popped out from the apartment!



– That Any interesting stories about the Higashiyama Water Tower that are unique to the local area?

Well, there’s a rumor going around that the tower moves, starting a few years ago. My wife heard about it from a local greengrocer, who noticed one morning that he couldn’t see the tower’s usual location from the intersection. He asked the waterworks department about it, and they said that they had “moved the tower during the night.” It was pretty romantic, but when I asked the waterworks department about it before this interview, they denied the rumor, saying that it wasn’t true. I was pretty disappointed to find out that it was just a rumor.



Nakajima-san’s favourite shot of the Higashiyama water tower.



Well, well, well. It seems like the water tower is peeking at us through the cracks of the building. Talk about a creepy horror movie moment!



–Eh?! What does that mean?

Actually, my parents had a sense of discomfort about the location of the water tower visible from the second floor of their home. According to my father, until a few years ago, the position of the water tower was further away from the Tower Mansion at Ike-shita Station (refer to the photo below). Unfortunately, there is no evidence such as photos from that time, so the truth is unknown, but I found my father’s testimony convincing as he has been seeing the same scenery for decades. Perhaps Nagoya city has a reason to hide it, or maybe it’s just a figment of their imagination. The mystery deepens, but it adds to the charm of the Higashiyama Water Tower even more.



The view from Mr. Nakashima's second floor in Chikusa-ku Nagoya
The view from Mr. Nakashima’s second floor. Did the Higashiyama Reservoir really move?



–I see, it’s uncertain but it’s exciting. Please let me know if there are any updates. Finally, please leave a message for the future of the Higashiyama Water Tower! 

It’s open only once or twice a year, but I hope it can be open every day as a place for citizens to relax. If so, it could become a new community space in the Kakuozan area. There may be various constraints, but I hope they will actively open it up!



In the future, it is also desirable for it to be utilized as a new communal space in the local area.



ashiyama Water-Supply  Tower (東山給水塔)

Shikannonmichinishi Tashirocho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya



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