Uncovering the Spooky Charm of Nagoya’s Green Buddha at Toganji!

Welcome to “My Hyperlocal Street,” your gateway to Nagoya’s hidden treasures. In this episode, we introduce you to Nakajima-san, a devoted Nagoyan who unveils the spine-tingling allure of Nagoya’s Green Buddha at Toganji in Chikusa-ku. Join us on this hyperlocal journey as we delve into Nakajima-san’s unique perspective and explore this captivating gem, where the mysterious Green Buddha takes center stage.


*Please note that the opinions expressed in this article are solely our own!



The sudden appearance and eerie presence of the big green Buddha statue is just irresistible!


A man walking, surprised by the unexpected presence of Nagoya's green Buddha in Toganji temple in Nagoya.
Why is there a giant green Buddha statue here in the suburb of Nagoya!? It’s so unexpected!



– So, Nakajima-san, any special memories attached to this place?

Nah, not really, haha. I stumbled upon it back in my college days and have been drawn to the creepy vibes ever since!


– I can imagine! That big green Buddha really pops out of nowhere in that quiet residential area. 

Right?! It’s such a surprise! I was honestly freaked out the first time I saw it.


– I didn’t expect it to be this big

bet! It’s like 50 feet tall or something, and the green color makes it even more unique.


– So what’s you best shot?

As for the best shot, most people probably go for the front view, but I’m all about that spine-tingling silhouette you see from the back. It’s like, if you were just walking along and suddenly saw that, wouldn’t you be scared out of your mind? And the way it quietly stands there amidst the houses is just so eerie.



The green Buddha statue stands serenely in a residential area of Nagoya.
It’s eerie to see the green Buddha statue standing quietly in the residential area.



– I see what you mean. That photo above really captures that creepy vibe, haha. It looks like it’s just standing there like it owns the place.

Exactly! That’s what makes it so scary. Like, you could imagine it coming to life and wreaking havoc or something. And that second photo from the doorstep makes it look like a normal part of the scenery, like your parents just decided to put a giant Buddha in the yard or something, haha.



A majestic Nagoya's green Buddha stands proudly in a backyard, radiating tranquility and grace in Nagoya.
The green Buddha standing tall and proud in the backyard of a house! That’s another best shot right there!



– Yeah, those photos really leave a lot to the imagination. I can see why this place has such a unique appeal for you.

At first it can be pretty spooky, but after a while, it becomes such a normal part of the scenery that you can’t help but feel attached to it, you know? Like, it goes from “why is there a giant Buddha in the middle of the neighborhood?” to “hey, there’s our giant Buddha, it’s like a part of the family now”.


– This is definitely one of Nagoyans’ recommended peculiar sights!

Definitely! Toganji has been around for ages, and it’s one of those hidden gems that not a lot of people know about outside the local community. But it’s super easy to get to from Motoyama Station, so I’d recommend everyone to check it out and see the green Buddha for themselves! And let’s all share our best shots!



A man standing in front of Nagoya's Green Buddha in Toganji, Nagoya.
Be sure to take a photo of the front view too!



Toganji Temple (桃厳寺)

2-16 Yotsuyatori, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya




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